The endless evolution of DibiDoku: DibiDoku Linear, an innovative use of the 8 colours in HDF: multicolour strips named "biscuits" give life to colourful lines. See the details of the collection in the Dibidoku website at the page http://www.dibidoku.com/linear/index.asp
FIND A PARTNERPrice list DibiDoku Linear 2014 | 143.30 KB |
Price list of DibiDoku Linear 2014 | DOWNLOAD |
Guarantee for Di.Bi. products | 25.95 KB |
Guarantee statement for all Di.Bi. products (rev. July 2018) | DOWNLOAD |
Installation manual for the main finishing panel of the door | 1.19 MB |
Installation manual for the main finishing panel of the door (single leaf and double leaf door) – with dimensions of the panel | DOWNLOAD |
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